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Jorge Gascon Perez's Web Page
Hello! my name is Jorge Gascon Perez, I am a software engineer who is working in computer science, graphics, video games, massive online games and virtual reality (VR).
Some years ago, in 2014, I had the privilege to obtain a PhD in Computer Science, Graphics, Games and Virtual Reality at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC Madrid), thanks to my advisor Miguel A. Otaduy.
Featured Demos:
Babylon.js demo virtual clothing tester
Webgl Parallax Mapping demo:
This little demo, done entirely in Babylon.js, simulates a
virtual clothing tester.
Shows how to make a simple Babylon.js app in which is very easy to change the dress of a model.
Would you like to know how does it work? Press "More"!
WebGL Parallax Mapping Demo
Webgl Parallax Mapping demo:
This little demo simulates the Parallax mapping effect.
It uses a pure Webgl GLSL shader to simulate millions of
polygons without the need the render them.
Actually only two triangles are rendered.
Would you like to know how does it work? Press "More"!
Currently I am developing a small startup (for now a one-man project). Its name is Mus 3D, and it is an ultra-scalable platform in C/C++ for online web games made in HTML5, Javascript and CSS, these games work in mobile devices, web browsers, consoles, smart TVs and so on...
The first game that I am coding is Mus 3D, a famous Spanish card game, it resembles a 3D first person recreation and it is entirely coded in HTML5, Javascript and CSS. It works perfectly in any popular web browser, as well as in Android and IOS devices.
You can play for free! Just click here:
Past Research:
Until 2014, I was working on a Endoscopy Surgery Simulator. This simulator is like a video game intended to train medics to perform endoscopy surgery operations.
The simulator had the same controls than a real endoscopy surgery system. The only difference is that in the screen is displayed a synthetic 3D word of virtual tissues, muscles, tendons, bones and membranes. Is like a virtual world imitating the inner intricacies of human body.
We designed some training exercises based on actual surgery operations, like sewing the cruciate ligament inside the human knee, or cutting part of a virtual meniscus. These exercises were aimed to train surgeons and doctors to operate. Like any video game, if you fail you can repeat and start one more time, no consequences ;-)
Unfortunately, this project was discontinued, but I could recover some images of how the simulator was designed.
My daily work was developing animation & simulation algorithms to deform virtual soft bodies interactively (virtual muscles, ligaments and other tissues). Other algorithms that I coded were collision detection methods and collision response algorithms, some of them based on FEM (Finite Element Methods).
One of the tasks I was assigned to is the realistic interactive
simulation of muscles. For example the interactive simulation
of the supraspinatus muscle of the shoulder (above).
These simulations are useful for medical training applications.
With Miguel A. Otaduy
José Miguel Espadero
as a part of the GMRV team.
- PhD in Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (2009 - 2014).
- Master in Computer Graphics, games and Virtual Reality (2007 - 2009).
- Degree in Computer Engineering (2004 - 2006).
- Technical degree in Computer Engineering (1999 - 2003).